The simple answer to the question of whether horses need supplements or not depends a lot on what the supplements are for and your horse’s lifestyle. For example, if your horse has a healthy...
Category: Horse Care
There’s been a lot of discussion and debate about whether horse riding is vegan or not and while you will always get some people that argue their case is right very few debates will look at it from...
The time of year has come again when you start thinking about getting ready for pony camp, you can’t wait but before you leave you know you’ve got to pack yet you haven’t made a start. Not only...
There will always be an exception to every rule and while it’s not impossible for horses to have fleas it’s extremely rare for a healthy horse to ever have a problem with fleas. When I talk about...
When the weather starts to get colder we all have our own ways of dealing with it and keeping warm but what’s the best way of helping our horses deal with the cold and stay warm? Every horse will...
Strengthening Exercises For Horses With A Weak Back: Tips To Improve Your Horse’s Topline
Just as we do horses can suffer from back problems which can not only make riding difficult but can also cause the horse a lot of pain. The vertebrae of a horse’s spine are close together and,...