The question of whether horses need shoes or not is an age-old one and with everybody having their own opinion on what is right or wrong it can be difficult to know what the best option for your...
Category: Horse Care
12 Tips To Help Your Horse Cope With Fireworks That Really Work
Let’s be honest, we all love a good firework display, whether it's 4th July, a graduation party or any other celebration we always enjoy them. Sadly though the same can’t be said for our horses,...
These days we all want to do our bit to help the environment and in the past chemical mosquito repellents where the best option, but while they can still play their part, today there’s a vast range...
Like all prey animals, horses survive on instinct and while this helped to keep them alive in the past these days it can sometimes present a problem, especially when you’re out on a trail and have...
We all know that horses are sociable herd animals that need the company of others, not only for their health but also for their happiness and mental wellbeing. The problem is that these days many...
Everything You Need To Know About Mud Fever: Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment
Contrary to its name, mud fever doesn't only affect horses that are turned out in muddy fields, it has many different names such as dew poisoning, greasy heel, and of course mud fever. Any horse can...